We only begin working on the best possible ways of buying ideal glasses online when we’re on the verge to get a new one. Off-course, the process of ordering new glasses can be daunting and speculative with stresses on glass-sizing, frame styles material or simply put, the lenses.
Like other commodities, even specs require a number of voids to fill before we hit the dart. However, the two main components of finding the right pair are frame styles and lens prowess.
One is the exterior amusement of the commodity and the other is the technical side of it. Likewise, our prescription may differ in power which calls out for using different lenses for frames: progressive, bi-focal, and single-vision lenses for near or farsightedness.
That’s not it - we get lens coatings to expand our lens prowess and refine it to perfection. Explore the 4 best lens coatings to keep your glasses more durable, clear, and scratch-free.
More Information:
Not all lens coatings are applicable with all types of lenses: progressive, bifocals or single vision. It’s best to follow the rulings of your optometrist at the time of the eye test to pick the best lens coating for your vision.
1) Deflect The Sunshine - Get UV Coating
It’s comparatively harder to walk under the sun with UV rays distorting our vision. Moreover, deflecting the unwanted components out in the open is mandatory to maintain the highest quality sight. Thanks to UV coatings - a subtle layer of protection engineered on the lenses, we can keep the vision protected amid the intervention of sun rays. UV coatings for eyes work like sunscreen for your skin, making scorching glares ineffective and deflecting them away with care. Undoubtedly, UV coatings offer great protection from the sun in summer and in harsh winters.

2) The Water Wall - Get Hydrophobic Coating:
Whether you’re in a thunderstorm with piercing pour down or want a morning splash without the hassle: in both cases, the hydrophobic lens coating offers a great output with all-time water resistance for the vision.
This coating drives out the water molecules by making the surface more elusive for the droplets. That’s not it - the right hydrophobic lens coating also offers protection from dust and sweat, which from therein, turns into particles and iron out by themselves. Installing hydrophobic is a part of modern-day glasses technology with proven results.
3) Remedy For Radiations - Get EMI Coating:
Electromagnetic interface coating is a remedy to all radiations that surround us in the modern-day rut. Be it televisions, tablets, smartphones, headphones, Bluetooth devices and gaming consoles, the main purpose of EMI coating is to filter the radiation by electronic devices.
In other words, EMI coating controls the expansion of radiation around us and creates an invisible barrier for the devices that we often overlook when it comes to vision protection. The EMI is reckoned for computer users and tech-savvy individuals who work in a pool of radiations.
4) Batter The Beams - Get Anti-Reflective Coating:
Although - Goggles4U UK, with the best in-house lens manufacturing, offers AR coating by default in progressive, bi-focal, and single-vision lenses, the benefits of installing such eyewear add-ons are immense as their aim is to keep your vision stable.
Be it a high beam from an incoming car or a glare from any lurid object at home, the anti-reflective coatings are an essential lens add-on that deflects the unwanted rays to maintain a clear vision.
Likewise, AR coatings are great for high-index lenses as it helps in balancing the proportion of light.